How To Work With Us
Review our pricing page to get an estimate of expected fee for our services. We can always discuss it if you have any questions.
Book a free 30-Min telephone consultation to discuss your situation. We will provide our CRA-issued EFILE number & rep ID to confirm genuineness.
Payment can be made through interact e-transfer or credit cards.
A cloud based shared folder will be created from a secure server that follows highest security standards in the industry. Documents are collected through this shared folder.
We will start working on your file. The results of our work will be presented for your review on the cloud based shared folder. We will always discuss and obtain your approval before we finalize our work .
We offer free consultations for your daily business transactions. Whenever you need us, we are just one email away. We also offer free ongoing CRA support and communications for All-inclusive Packages. We act as your representative and liaison with CRA and help you resolve all the taxation issues.